Tips for Filling out the Enrollment Form

On the Enrollment Page, you will provide us the information about yourself and your court case.

Please thoroughly answer all of the questions. Do not skip any of the questions.

Refer to any court documents that you may have for the information.

Ask a family member or friend to help you answer questions you are struggling with. You may also call our offices during business hours for help.

If you do not know what an Evaluation is, you probably did not have one.

Under Program select the Sober Driver 12 Hour/or “Other”

IP means In-Person, DC&E is via ZOOM.

Choose the substance that got you in trouble from the drop-down menu.

Many attorneys will tell you not to provide any court information. We understand their reasoning but still OBJECT!

Attorneys are the quarterbacks in this court scrimmage. They decide what the judge gets to see and what they do not get to see.

Up until the moment when you are sentenced, ALL OUR DOCUMENTS ARE SENT TO YOUR ATTORNEY.

Once you are sentenced all of our documents will now go to the court.

In order to provided you the best services possible we will require all court information and or documents upon enrollment.

Some frequent errors we find on Enrollments are:

Please capitalize the first letter of your first and last name.

Please use the drop-down suggested entries whenever possible.

You must provide a valid email as that is how we communicate with Students. This must be a personal email not a friends or family member as they are not private.

Do not use any emails that end in  .edu or a work email ending in .gov or a business ending in .BurgerKing. Those emails are not yours they belong to the group that provided them. And they are NOT PRIVATE!

It is critical that you accurately check the correct box for “Have you been sentenced” or “Are you Presentencing?” That will determine where we send your Enrollment and your Completion.

Find your case number in the court documents. Your paperwork from the jail will have a lot of numbers like your booking number and others but we need your actual case number.

State: Should always be: NV

Please notice that the next selections says County not Country.

We are fairly certain that you got a DUI in the Good Olde USA. What we need here is which one of the 17 counties in the State of Nevada was the site of that incident.

Please try to include the Department number along with the name of your court. It will most likely be linked to the Judge’s name.

Try not to mangle the name of your attorney too badly.

Violation date and sentencing date if you have them.

Hit SAVE at the bottom of the page.

Once saved, it will be sent to our office at which time you will soon receive a welcome email the instruction for the next step.